A couple of years ago I realized how many amazing things I’ve seen and how few pictures I actually had taken. When I got my hands on my sister’s old camera, I decided to start documenting my trips. I’ve been working most of the winter with just a few days off. Every time I’ve had the chance, I’ve taken the camera and gone outdoors. Some of the pictures I’ve already uploaded in Instagram.
I took pictures at my workplace…

..and out on the lake. During daytime and at night.

My colleague Maisa loved chewing on my gloves so much that I found myself a new hobby – knitting. Soon I’ve finished 4 pairs.

Whatever I do, food always seems to be an essential part of it. I baked pulla for a couple of times and tried around with the ingredients that I had. This sweet bun circle got a filling based on leftover Christmas truffles.

What beautiful photos! I was looking for a Finnish bread recipe and came upon your site. I’ve been scrolling through it and loving the photos.
I might try the Archipelago bread recipe if I can find beer malts here in Canada.
Have a wonderful day.
Hi Annie! Thank you so much! 🙂 I should really start updating the blog a bit more often again. Greetings from the sunny but cold Arctic Circle! 🙂